10 days left (maybe...)
i've decided to create a more public blog for my baja trip and photos, so those of you here expecting rants and cussing, well just go to the other blog and read the archives. besides you can rest assured something will go wrong and i'll need to vent so keep checking back there! otherwise this is mostly going to be pretty pictures and a log of the trip so people can check in when they want and i don't have to worry about offending anyone if i forget them on an email list or whatever.
so, i pick up the university van in 10 days and holy crap i have a lot of stuff to take. the UPS man keeps dropping off all these boxes and i keep thinking, thank goodness i'm not taking 4 people with me this time cuz there's no room for them!
i'm bummed there are no tanks available from uni for this trip, cuz i can't afford to rent tanks every day, but a few friends have offered to let me use theirs. they just need a hydro test.
i have a ton of stuff to do still:
-pick up tanks and get them hydro'd
-regulator service
-get all my equipment out of storage
-go through all equipment and make sure it works
-change oil in motor
-put boat together and put on trailer when trailer is done
-clean my room and put all my belongings in storage (gran's orders!)
-the boat trailer is being repaired and will hopefully be ready by then
realistically i'm thinking i'll leave april 2 and that's a date i'm not panicked about. i'd really like to get down there before the new moon in april and get at least one dive in at the spawning site before the full moon on april 22.
when i start to get bummed or stressed or wonder why the hell i put myself through everything just to get down there i think of this

or this

and i feels bettah
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