Wednesday, June 22, 2005

@#$% computer

so midway through the trip, my computer started doing some weird shit. it started innocently enough with minor kachunking sounds and it sounded slightly like the fan was trying to start but can't. then brad tried to hook up his camera to my computer to download some pictures and the screen went black with a small blue box in the center and said "Beginning to dump physical memory."

now, i'm not an expert but i think that is BAD.

the point is that i have tons of pictures to upload here but first i have to download them to my computer and then resize them and then put them up here.

i apparently can't do that right now because i rarely can get the damn thing to boot up and when i finally do it will only stay running for about 20 minutes at the MOST. of course, there is also the issue that at the moment the pictures are safe on the camera...

not that it may matter because apparently since i announced my return, the few people that were reading this blog have stopped. so if anyone just happens to come back, i wanted to let you know that i will be keeping up this blog, even though i am no longer in baja per se, i have shitloads of baja data to deal with and i'm going to continue to regale my reader with that info. but for now, without pictures.

i'll make it up to you, i promise...


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