postcards from monterey
even though i've been there and back already...
The conference started on Thursday with a student workshop (which I missed...ooops) and then a student social (which I did NOT miss...heh). I actually didn't leave Davis until 2 in the afternoon and got to Monterey around 5:30 or so. I was stoked when I got to the econolodge because there was a microwave AND a fridge so I could actually put
I should have given a talk at this conference, it was silly of me not to, but I've been so busy I figured it would be worse to give a lame talk than to have given no talk at all and make it look like I'm not the one whose project it really is... was that out loud?
Quite a few people I know from Davis gave talks and the ones I saw were awesome, impressively professional. I took my camera to the talks but I was taking notes and stuff too so I ended up not taking much. And there wasn't much in the way of decoration like there was at AFS so no pics of the actual conference.
Every year they have a president's banquet, which I usually don't go to because it's expensive. I usually pony up for the AAH (Attitude Adjustment Hour) since that's cheaper and usually a lot more fun. This was the function that was in the aquarium last year and all that carousing happened...and I was also reminded this year that I wrestled David in a parking garage. Had completely forgotten about that. **note to self: no witnesses from now on...**
After the president's banquet they open it up for the auction for the student travel awards to pay for next year's travel. There's a silent auction that's going on during the real auction. Every year Raphael Sagarin is the auctioneer. He's hysterical and really does do a great job with the bids and with deriding people into bidding.

WSN SUPAHSTAHS! They all gave talks! They all sounded smart! I know them!!
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