in the beginning...deja vu again...
there’s a line in a david bowie song that says “never tell god your plans.” I think my life supports that line! Nothing ever goes off as I plan no matter how hard I try. I’m not saying things don’t eventually work out…they sometimes do but NOT the way I plan them and it’s stressful. And trust me, I’ve tried the no planning at all thing thinking that would relieve my stress but things just end up even worse.
Everytime I tried to pack it would rain so hard it was ridiculous. And of course the van was way too tall for my gran’s garage so anything near an open door would get soaked in a matter of seconds. And there was always something that I still needed but wasn’t available or the place wasn’t open when I went to go get it so my to-do list kept growing, not shrinking.

The plan was to leave Monday morning. I had to run to the uni pick up some last minute things and then leave. Well, Sunday night I was nowhere near being done packing at midnight (well by then it was 1 am because of the time change – so not only was I falling behind, I had lost an hour) and when my alarm went off at 4:30 am Monday morning I just knew that leaving that day by 10 am was completely impossible. So I emailed Adam and then Mark to let them know I needed another day. Adam was relieved. I don’t know how mark felt because I never actually got a hold of him that day in spite of sending three emails and making about 10 phone calls. I tried leaving a message at his hotel but the man who answered the phone said “I don’t take messages, but you’re free to call back when he’s here.”
Oh I am? Why thank you! If I knew when he was going to be there I wouldn’t need to leave a MESSAGE.
Even with organizing and packing all day Monday and Tuesday morning I still wasn’t able to leave until 11 am Tuesday. I had showered and put on clean clothes and went out to hook up the trailer and it is pouring again. I was really worried about getting the van and trailer up this clay/dirt road in the rain. I was completely soaked by the time I had everything hooked up and said goodbye to gran. On the way to pick up adam it stopped raining for awhile. Then when I got out of the car to get adam and to re-arrange the van to put his stuff in it started pouring again. So I was soaked again and I could see in my mind’s eye my rain jacket hanging on the stack of 50 boxes I left in the garage that gran would later yell at me over the phone for (nothing from you sandy!!! You’re supposed to be MY friend not hers!!)
How many Sierra Nevada boxes do I count? 5???? s
but only ONE of them is full of sierra nevada unfortunately!
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