jealous rafa**

this is rafa. he is probably mad at me because i saw something cooler than he did or he saw something cool and i saw it too. we are always in competition with each other over the cool things to see and photograph.
last week on may 31 (the full moon) i had a fantastic dive and came up with a photo of a dark blotch scorpionfish, a species i don't have a picture or illustration for in my book. i was so excited. did the second dive and got some good pictures there too but i was seriously stoked about the dark blotch scorpionfish. the other thing that happened right before these dives is that i had read on Sasha Frere-Jones' site (he's music critic for the new yorker) about his issue with data recovery and that he lost a ton of photos on a disk drive.
soft drive
i read that and thought, damn, don't i know how rough that is losing two hard-drives in a dell and having recently recovered an external harddrive (THANK! GOSH!). and so now i'm super paranoid about it. i was recently backing up stuff on disk.
somehow i managed to lose the whole set of photos with the dark blotch scorpionfish. i had downloaded the pictures onto my harddrive, put a new battery in the camera and left to go take pictures of the rising full moon. when i got back i downloaded those pictures. looked at all my pictures and then went to bed. woke up the next morning and all the dive pictures are gone.
sick! sick! sick! to my stomach i tell you. so i start looking on the web for something to recover it and found something but it could only recover the second part of the first dive and the entire second dive but NOT the DBSF. @#$% the moon pictures had overwritten them already.
stoopid moon

**disclaimer: rafa is muy buena onda and i wouldn't have accomplished half of what i have without his help.
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