Tuesday, December 27, 2005

looking at the calendar

and slightly freaking out.

it's almost 2006 which means that i have three months to finish a major grant proposal (actually, that should be submitted now so they have time to evaluate it so they can graciously give me the money before i leave for baja), pack and plan to leave in april. finish the illustrations for my book and send it to the publisher to be printed. finish the illustrations and manuscript with last season's data and submit that.

it turns out the grant i was working on that had a november deadline was not the right grant to apply to. somewhere in the small print i found a statement that that division doesn't usually fund marine ecology projects. rude! so there's another division that funds international projects that doesn't have a deadline so i'm applying for that. although the idea of no deadline just really screws me up. i mean, if it wasn't for the last minute i wouldn't get anything done.

frankly this last week i've been numb with despair. i'm so overwhelmed by all that i have to do it just freezes me.

so here's to getting off my ass this week and actually accomplishing something.


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