how could i forget?
as if it's not cool enough to be working in baja but the views are tremendous. this is coming back from afternoon dives.

gordon is a bit concerned about the chubacabra that is following our progress along the shore.
this blog started out as a journal of my research trip to loreto, baja california but has evolved somewhat to include my time back home and the stuff i do when i'm not in the field
i study Mycteroperca rosacea, the leopard grouper, in baja california. i've been working on my current project since 2001. I hope this blog is at least entertaining, if not informative.
all of the pics you're going to see are MINE ALONE! so keep your dirty fingers off.
thank you
go to
for the South Park style pic
omgosh sam you finally can leave a comment and you ask about the dang chupacabra???
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