Monday, March 27, 2006


3 field seasons studying grouper in baja: $32,000
costs out of your own pocket: $10,000
cost of unexpected root canal and crown not covered by insurance: $2,200
having your paypal account broken into sony playstations shipped to vietnam 10 days before you leave for baja: priceless


Tuesday, March 07, 2006


last year i bought this GINORMOUS ice chest from costco for the trip thinking, YEAH IT'S GINORMOUS it will hold so much ice and food it will last the whole 5 days on the island in 90 degree heat.

it turned out it was SO GINORMOUS that NOONE could lift the damn thing full of ice and food.


so i sold that ice chest at a flea market and decided to buy smaller 5 day coolers.

and so i did. at costco again.

see how it says 5 days of ice in 90 degree weather. well, they lied. i was curious so i put some beer and ice in it (what, i'm just supposed to test it with ice?) and decided to see how many days it held the ice.

then the improbable happened. it snowed, so i thought yay me i can just lay beer out all over the yard and keep it icy. but then i thought, that must ruin my little test because OF COURSE the ice isn't going to melt while it's snowing.

the ice melted while it was snowing. the ice lasted two days. well, more like 1 1/2.

i guess i should just be glad it has wheels so it definitely won't be as heavy

Monday, March 06, 2006

this time last year

although those pics were taken later in march, i have to say there was NO snow the beginning of march last year, nor the previous 20 marches i've lived here.

but this was late last week, two days in a row

and i realize maybe snow is no big deal, but it is here! especially this time of year. and then the next day

like it never happened.