Friday, September 29, 2006

flickr is the new crack

oh man, i finally had a little time to do some pics and when i went to load them up to flickr they've informed me that i've reached the limit of my free account. i either have to start deleting pictures because they only allow you to display 200 or i have to upgrade to the pay account.

dammit! that's how they get you! get you hooked on the free and then you gotta pay!

decisions decisions

Friday, September 15, 2006

how did it get to be

the second week in september?

wow. last i remember i was scrambling to pack and leave baja.

that was two weeks ago. it's been such a whirlwind since i got back and the quarter hasn't even been started.

but some things haven't changed. the dell computer still sucks and crashes at every inopportune moment. i have a ton of pics that i never got to post yet because of it and i found out when i hooked the dvd burner up to my mac that it works PERFECTLY FINE.

so maybe i'll get my life together enough to post pics. before another two weeks...