busy busy days
by now if you don't know i'm on the "big garropa hunt" then you obviously haven't been paying attention.
so right now i'm blown away that the last three days of diving have been garropa-mania. of course, don't get your hopes up that visibility was good enough for me to take that award winning national geographic photo but i've got video (that pinche rafa took, but technically it's mine because it was MY camera) and some bad photos, BUT the most important is that they were IN MY TRANSECTS. RANDOMLY.
i swear.

so now i'm very happy that i know of FOUR places that i have seen more than 2 very LARGE garropa. at one site we saw at least 6, at the next we saw at least four, and then the next four again. and when i say "at least" i'm referring to the number we saw at one time or very close in time, or were very clearly a different size than the others if some time had passed upon seeing the next bunch.
if that makes ANY sense whatsoever.
on the cabrilla front, i'm not seeing so many, just 8 to 10 at a time, but i am seeing LARGE cabrilla, like maximum size cabrilla. i have a site on myspace now so i'll probably post some video there since i can't do it on flickr.
we've also been seeing mobulas and dolphins on the way out to sites. of course, rafa had to cut in front of me to get pictures of the mobulas so i have a great picture of his back while he put his camera in the water and got some great video (PINCHE RAFA!)
and i'm such a girl too because, really, i get SO excited EVERY TIME. like it's the first time. that i seeee them. dirty people.

i like this picture because it looks like a painting.

mobulas at the surface, they kept swimming right around the boat for about 5 minutes. we were going to swim with them but rafa took so long to get his wetsuit on that they left by then. *sigh*
in other news there was a group of fishermen (about 30) that went out for four days and i have some interesting stories there too. but now, i go to bed, to get up early and hunt garropa with my camera.
I am so jealous, you are in fishy heaven! I think next time you need to pack me into a crate and take me along. I promise I wouldn't drink too much of your beer or anything!!
Can you find molas around there? If you see a mola I will just die!!!
if I see a mola I will just die too!
btw, you don't need a crate to come down, you can just come. but you would need a crate to go up, you know, if you're from here....
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