trying to get caught up on photos and blogging
i still have photos from before june 9 but, sorry i'm starting from there, since it's now the 20th and i've been in the water everyday and have seen fantastic stuff every! single! day!
and actually, this photo is from the 5/31 photos that accidentally got erased and was only able to recover them partially. i was trying to get a picture of me with the clear azul water and the boat in the background and what i managed to do is take a picture of my [scottish accent]HEAD![/scottish accent] with what looks like my leg coming out of my shoulder. i like it! heh
and for those who haven't seen me in awhile, yeah, i bleached my hair on my birthday just to do something crazy cuz i never got to go through that phase as a teenager. at least, that's my story and i'm sticking to it!
and by now, it looks completely different and i MAY post those photos...haven't decided
[scottish accent]HEAD![/scottish accent] below

on another dive to a place i hadn't been before i was cruising around and came upon this cleaning station: just a truckload of barberfish (Johnrandalia nigrirostris) in this rock valley waiting for clients to be cleaned. the fish signal the barberfish by either changing color, facing head down in the water, or both. i have yet to capture a photo of actual cleaning because typically the cleaners and the cleanees disperse when divers approach.

another fish i hunt with my camera is the sawtail grouper (Mycteroperca prionura), which I consider rare because I only ever see one or two at only one or two spots in the park. i get very excited when i see them too, because even thought they are small (they get bigger) they are gorgeous AND it helps me hope that there could be more. these two just kept teasing me and staying just outside my camera's reach so these are 3 of the 400 i took of them.

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